Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Many of you already know teas (specifically black and green teas) are high in antioxidants.In fact some studies indicate that green and black teas have 10 times the amount of antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables.  But did you realize that tea can be beneficial to your hair growth and used as a natural highlighter/colorant?
Certain types of tea are more beneficial to your specific hair type:
  • If you have light colored hair use chamomile. Chamomile will bring out your natural blonde highlights.  Just wash and condition hair, then rinse or spritz your hair with some strong freshly brewed chamomile tea.  Let your locks spend a few minutes in the sun (protect your skin from UV rays of course) and let the highlights begin.
  • Black tea can darken hair, as well as give it a healthy looking sheen. Steep a pot of very strong black tea, let cool, then completely saturate your hair.  Black tea has also been known to thicken hair as well as stimulate growth.
  • If you have medium brown, strawberry blond or auburn colored hair, calendula/marigolds have been known to bring out red highlights as well as enhance the auburn color of your hair.  Beware; leaving this concoction on your hair too long can leave brassy tinges.
  • Rosemary tea will bring out the warmth and richness of dark hair.
Remember to rinse the tea out after thirty minutes to an hour and be patient; this isn’t a quick fix.
Additionally, drinking two cups of rosemary tea a day has been known to prevent hair loss due to poor circulation, and it also helps to re-stimulate growth, particularly after chemotherapy.  Further, sage tea applied externally as well as consumed is also known to stimulate hair growth.
Natural remedies are the best remedies, so take some time and give your hair a nice, natural herbal rinse today. And why not sip some tea on the side?

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